Why is the new Shaun F. Beasly Oval/Field so close to Farm Street? How many feet is the field away from the Roads? What type of protection will be in place to prevent “balls” from entering the road.
The project started with a study of potential locations for a new school building. It was determined that the most feasible and best location was behind the school on the existing Shaun F. Beasly Oval, which left the area of the existing school for the new Shaun F. Beasly Oval.
The new Shaun F. Beasly Oval is located approximately 30 feet from Farm Street and the elevation varies along the road from approximately 1 – 4 feet lower than Farm Street. Ball control netting is proposed at both ends of the field.
For reference the field at Galvin are closer to the Roads then the new High School.
What Design elements are being incorporated into the project to mitigate flooding on the new Shaun F. Beasly Oval/Field giving the grade change between the Field and Hemlock RD?
The project includes a new stormwater management system including treatment of all runoff from parking areas, underground infiltrating systems, and a bio-retention area. Pervious pavement is being utilized in areas to mitigate runoff from what would be impervious surfaced to allow stormwater to infiltrate rather than runoff. Drainage inlets are proposed in the landscape areas around the track to capture runoff before it can get to the field.
The project will also relocate the underground culvert that exists between the existing school and Beasly Oval. The capacity and size of the new culvert has been coordinated with a study undertaken by the town to study the watershed and alleviate flooding.
Will Trees be replanted along Farm Street?
What is happening with the Green Space behind the School (between the existing Shaun F. Beasly Track and Upper Parking Lot)? Is that remaining or being removed as part of the part project?
What is happening with the Green Space behind the School (between the existing Shaun F. Beasly Track and Upper Parking Lot)? Is that remaining or being removed as part of the part project?
Please provide parking diagram between before and after with parking count.
What is happening with the Green Space behind the School (between the existing Shaun F. Beasly Track and Upper Parking Lot)? Is that remaining or being removed as part of the part project?
Is the Softball field being removed as part of the project?
The project includes replacement and upsizing the existing culvert which currently runs below the softball field; therefore, a portion of the softball field will be disturbed as part of the culvert work. The project will restore all disturbed areas of the field.
Please elaborate on the proposed design and locations of crosswalks across Farm/Hemlock? Will the cross walks be illuminated? Proposed Signage? Please show examples/diagrams.
The crosswalks will be located before (east) of the driveway in Hemlock Road and the two existing crosswalks at the Farm Street driveway will be consolidated into a single crosswalk south of the new driveway. These crosswalks will have Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs).
Crosswalks are also proposed at each “leg” of the roundabout.
Will Parents be allowed to take a left on Farm Street when exiting the School Grounds?
No vehicles will be allowed to turn left out of the Farm Street driveway during peak hours of arrival and dismissal.
Will Speed Bumps be added as part of the project? Would the Town Consider adding them?
Speed bumps in the roadways are not part of the project. The addition of speed bumps would have to be reviewed and approved by the Wakefield Traffic Advisory Committee.
Will the windows in the new WMHS be operable?
Yes, regularly occupied rooms such as classrooms and office spaces are required to have windows with integral manual ventilators to provide direct access to fresh air.
How many electrical charging stations are required/will be installed as part of the new project?
To meet the sustainability (LEED) requirements of the project, electrical vehicle charging equipment (Level 2) will be installed at a minimum of 6 parking spaces. An additional 4 parking spaces will have DC charging equipment (Level 3) installed to comply with stretch energy code.
Why is the Project only trying to obtain LEED Silver Certification and not Gold or higher LEED Certification.
During the feasibility and schematic design, the Town elected to pursue LEED Silver in order qualify for the additional MSBA 2% reimbursement. The LEED Gold certification was discussed at the time, with Gold being aspirational and not a required goal. The project stringent budget and market pricing conditions restricted the Town in their decision to fully pursue Gold. The project is optimizing comprehensive sustainable design criteria within the MSBA, LEED Silver and MA Stretch Code required criteria for energy performance, indoor environmental quality, sustainable sites and water efficiency, as well as a green educational program contributing to an Innovation in Design LEED credit.
What is the plan to address the “poor soil compaction” on site and what is being done to reinforce the foundation to prevent the new School from sinking like what occur at the Galvin Middle School and Lynn Classical High School?
The northern portion of the new building will bear on exiting soils improved by ground improvements and the southern portion of the new building in bear on native glacial till or imported structural fill. In the southern portion of the building (areas outside of the ground improvements) all unsuitable soil will be removed entirely and replaced with structural fill. Ground improvements will be designed and installed by a specialty contractor and their approach will be reviewed/approved by the design team.
Why did the Project choose to recommend a roundabout for the farm/hemlock intersections. Why type of signage will be installed?
A roundabout and signalized intersection options were studied early in the project. The analysis was presented to the Wakefield Traffic Advisory Committee (WTAC) and the team was directed to move forward with the roundabout option.
The project will install roadway signage including Street signs, yield signs, and other roadway signage also reviewed and approved by the WTAC.
Provide explanation of difference between Rotary and Roundabout? (This was previously discussed during all the Public Forums before project approval). Specifically, how the Roundabout at Farm/Nahant will be different from the “Rotary” at RT 129/95/128 on/off ramps?
The main difference between a Rotary and a Roundabout is size. Rotaries are much larger (like the one mentioned in the question), which lead to higher vehicle speeds. Roundabouts are designed for a lower circulating speed, which allows for safer movements for all users (vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists). Roundabouts also require the entering traffic to yield to vehicles already circulating, while there is no such requirement for rotaries. Lastly, there are no changing lanes within a roundabout as you can within a rotary, making circulating much safer.
Will the new Roundabout be raised above Farm Street? How much?
Can you provide more detail on the materials selection for what appears to be expanded sidewalk wrapping around 63 Farm Street?
Please expand on “special” foundations that will be needed in the northeast corner of the new School? Does the WMHS project contain any blasting, and if so, what mitigations efforts would be taken to project abutter’s properties?ool?
The WMHS project will not include any blasting.
The northern portion of the new building will bear on exiting soils improved by ground improvements and the southern portion of the new building in bear on native glacial till or imported structural fill. In the southern portion of the building (areas outside of the ground improvements) all unsuitable soil will be removed entirely and replaced with structural fill. Ground improvements will be designed and installed by a specialty contractor and their approach will be reviewed/approved by the design team.
The Town need to consider the impact of traffic on Nahant Street given the WMHS/Northeast Metro Tech Projects and all the new developments that are being proposed along Nahant St. How is the project planning on elevating traffic on Nahant St/Farm St. Are you considering busing?
The Wakefield Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Wakefield DPW/Engineering Department after reviewing the Traffic Light Option vs the construction of a Roundabout ultimately decided in favor of the Roundabout. The Wakefield TAC and DPW chose the Roundabout due to the “Traffic Calming Effect” a Roundabout would have when it comes to mitigating vehicular speed on Farm Street. The PBC ultimately endorsed their decisions since it is their area of expertise.
The WMHS (Wakefield Memorial High School) project team has also been coordinating with the NEMT (Northeast Metro Technical Vocational High School) on several fronts, one of which is proposed traffic. The WMHS traffic analysis has incorporated the proposed conditions of the NEMT project (volume, access, etc) into the analysis.
Farm Street is a trucking route, so will an 18-wheeler be able to navigate this new Roundabout without impeding Traffic by having to reverse/reposition in order to proceeds (turning right onto Nahant, continuing along Farm to Saugus, or turning left onto hemlock?
Can you provide details on what windows and exterior lighting will be on the back of the new School near Wiley Street?
The back corner of the building near Wiley Street Abutters will have windows as it contains the District Offices, and it is one story so it could be below the Grade Change from Wiley Street. The District Offices are expected to be occupied between the hours of 8 AM to 4 PM.
There will be exterior lighting along the east side of the building to provide safe egress and circulation conditions around the back of the school. This lighting will be designed to minimize spillover to the wetland and the neighborhood beyond.
What is the timeline schedule for the energy park project?
What are the hours for Construction Activities? M-F 7AM to 3:30 PM. There may be some Saturdays, but only after being discussed approved by the Town and would only be if necessary to make-up schedule due a stretch of bad weather for example.
What possible construction related issues could affect abutter’s homes?
- None anticipated.
- Vibration Monitoring stations have been installed and a baseline reading has been completed.
- Vibration Monitoring will continue through the life of the project.
- Bond is making existing conditions surveys available to neighbors before major construction activities began. These will be completed by 4/23/2024.
Where would be the construction staging/laydown area be located?
Will construction deliveries be made during School Drop-off/Pick-up
What is the planned Trucking Route for the project? Does it included Nahant Street?
How many parking spaces will be lost during construction. Are there any plans to shuttle students?
Where will students be dropped off at the new School? Please provide visual diagram showing Traffic Flow.
Buses will enter the site from Hemlock Road and will drop off in the morning and stage for afternoon dismissal in a dedicated bus lane just past the school’s main entrance.
Passenger vehicles can enter the site from either (1) Hemlock Road and drop off (AM) or stage (PM) in a dedicated vehicle loading zone located before the school’s main entrance or (2) from Farm Street in a dedicated vehicle loading zone located north of the new Beasly Oval.
What type of “barrier” will be placed between the new school and Wiley Street?
The project includes an accessible walkway from the end of Wiley onto the proposed walkway system around the school. No vehicular access will be allowed from the end of Wiley Street onto the high school property, and a gate is proposed at the end of the norther parking lot to prevent vehicles from driving onto Wiley Street.
Will Runners/Students still be allowed to access Wiley Street from the school property during construction? If no, is there an alternative?
No, access between the school property and Wiley Street will be blocked during construction of the new school building.
- Water Street to Farm Street
- Softball field will be under construction and not accessible between June 24,2024 thru November 1, 2024
- Construction fence will be readjusted allowing passage thru softball field starting November 1, 2024.
When will the new Roundabout be constructed? Before or after Construction? Who will be responsible for organizing a Police Detail while road work is under way?
When the project is complete, will the parking in lot H be removed?
Yes, the current plan is for Parking Lot H to be removed at the completion of the project
WMHS Project Construction Logistics Plan.
Will abatement happen before demolition of the old school?
What hours will work occur during construction of the New High School and will it be during School hours?
Construction hours are typically 7AM to 3:30 PM with “blackout” times for construction deliveries during High School Drop-off/Pickup. There may be times when weekend work will occur (mostly contained to Saturdays) The Project Team will notify Farm St/Wiley Street/Project abutters of any weekend work and will post scheule updates on the project website.
Please describe current methods of communication between the Construction Managers for the Wakefield Memorial High School Project and the Northeast Metro Tech Project during construction to alleviate impact on the surrounding neighborhood.
Is the WMHS project concerned that the blasting of the Northeast Metro Tech Project will have a negative impact on the construction of the new WMHS?
Please confirm Trucking plan for the WMHS project. Currently Nahant St is a "no heavy Trucking Street.”
Nahant Street is currently a ““no heavy Trucking Street.” Bond’s trucking plan does not include any deliveries to the site utilizing Nahant Street. All trucks are instructed to either proceed from Route 1 or Rt128/95 to access the construction site. Bond’s Trucking Plan will be enforced through the Project’s Contract Documents.
Past Problems with Students Parking in Wiley Street. What will be implemented to prevent students and construction workers from parking on Wiley?
Who will be controlling the new Field lighting and what will the Operations plan be? Hours they are utilized? Will they be directed down toward the ground or across the fields. How will this effect residents along farm street? Photometric calculations for new Field?
The new field lighting will be directed at the fields of play of the field and track and fully programmable. All luminaires will be directed down towards the field and will be equipped with internal shields, louvers, and external shields so that spill light and glare control will not exceed 0.02 footcandles/500 candela on adjacent properties.
How will the project adequately train Town/School staff to operate the new equipment (especially HVAC equipment)?
There will be multiple trainings at the end of the project reviewing O&M (Operations & Maintenance) Manuels with Town/School Maintenance staff. O&M Manuels will be a requirement for sub-contractors to provide, and to conduct trainings with Town/School staff, which will will also be recorded and stored with the O&M manuals. This will allow future staff to be able to review the project trainings on the equipment at later dates.
Why do we need a new High School?
Wakefield Memorial High School (“WMHS”) was originally built as a Junior High School in 1960. In 1972, the Junior High was converted into the current WMHS through the construction of major additions to the north and south of the school. Since then, except for some relatively small improvements and modifications made toward meeting the accreditation requirements, the High School has remained virtually untouched.
In 2016 a comprehensive facilities assessment was completed and presented to the Wakefield Permanent Building Committee. The study highlighted numerous physical building challenges, the most significant being related to the buildings envelope and lack of thermal insulation in the exterior walls, poor ventilation and air quality of the mechanical systems, outdated electrical and fire alarm systems, insufficient plumbing and large sections of the building that are not ADA/MAAB compliant.
The facilities assessment also highlighted programmatic constraints that hamper the High School’s ability to provide a learning environment consistent with the District’s Educational Program. There are educational program deficiencies and challenges within the building related to overcrowding, spatial provisions, configurations and adjacencies which limit the rational and functional relationship of programs within the building. Likewise, the absence of some key types of educational and support spaces exacerbates the educational challenges faced.
The District is also faced with an ongoing situation regarding accreditation of the High School. The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC”) concurred with the facilities assessment regarding overcrowding and inadequate spaces within of facilities necessary to meet today’s curriculum. The District was put in notice in October 2011 that these conditions must be improved. As of March 2019, the High School has been notified by NEASC that the accreditation status has been changed from “warning” to “probation”.
WMHS NEASC Letter – March 2022
WMHS Existing Conditions Report
Public Forum #11 Presentation – Project History and Decision Making Overview
What Site and Building Alternatives were considered for the new High School?
- Cost Upgrade – $178 Million – Not likely to be reimbursed by MSBA – Does not address any education defiencies in the current High School.
- Addition/Renovation – $272 Million
- New Construction (Option 3B) – $273 Million – Preferred Option approved by the Perminent Building Committee.
Public Forum #11 Presentation – Project History and Decision Making Overview
Where will the new school be located?
The new school will be located on the existing Beasley Oval and a new field and track will be constructed in front of the new school in the location of the existing school.
What does the new school look like? - Option 3B
Renderings of the new school are posted below.
Dining Commons (Main Entrance/Ground Floor)
Dining Commons (From Media Center (Library/Second Floor)
What does the new school include?
The new school will include all academic and academic support spaces required to meet and fulfill the educational plan developed by the District. Floor Plans and a Space Summary of the spaces within the school are posted on the Project’s website. The project also includes full site development and a new Beasley Field and track.
Wakefield Memorial High School Proposed Space Summary
When will the new high school be completed?
The new school is planned to open in January 2027 in time for the new school year and December 2027 completion is planned for the new fields and remainder of the site. The Project Team will look for ways to accelerate the project schedule.
What is the capacity of the new school?
The design enrollment for the new school is 1,000 students.
Will the new school accommodate growth in student population?
How did the proposed school design come to be?
The proposed design was the culmination of many educational visioning sessions and resulting design options that were developed and presented by SMMA. The defining goals were to provide a central core, or “heart of the school” from which the academic and auxiliary spaces could be built from. The academic spaces are grouped to one side of the central core with good flow and circulation between spaces and close proximity to teacher planning and support spaces. The media center is also located close to the academic spaces and spanning over the central core engaging with this active space. Athletic programs, theater and music spaces also branch off the central core to the side opposite the academic wing.
WMHS Visioning Kick-Off Meeting
WMHS Visioning Workshop #1 Notes
WMHS Visioning Workshop #1 Recording
WMHS Visioning Workshop #2 Presentation
WMHS Visioning Workshop #2 Notes
WMHS Visioning Workshop #2 Recording
WMHS Visioning Workshop #3 Notes
WMHS Visioning Workshop #3 Recording
WMHS Visioning Workshop #4 Notes
WMHS Visioning Workshop #4 Recording
Public Forum #11 Presentation – Project History and Decision Making Overview
Why does the plan go above and beyond MSBA recommendations?
The plan exceeds the MSBA guidelines to ensure that the number of classrooms required to maintain the current student-teacher ratio and to meet Wakefield’s educational plan are provided. In addition, all the athletic programs are provided with, at minimum, the same space sizes as currently exist. Additionally, the music program, gymnastics, Color Guard, Governor Volpe Archive, District Offices and WCAT all require space above or outside the MSBA guidelines.
Space Summary for MSBA Space Guidelines
Will the new school be a green/sustainable building?
The new school will exceed the MA Energy Code by 20% and will gain and additional 2% reimbursement. The current goal will be to strive for LEED Silver Certification.
Sustainability Features of the New WMHS
What is the maintenance plan for the proposed school?
As part of the Preferred Schematic Report, the District planned in their Budget Analysis for the cost of maintenance and staffing of the new school and will build these costs into the District’s budget. This will allow the Facility’s Maintenance Plan to be maintained as required for the size and scope of the new school.
What does the project cost?
Currently, the project total project costs are $273 million. The MSBA’s maximum grant to the town will be approx. $65 Million which leads to a maximum town share of approx. $208 Million. There are ways that the town share can be reduced further. For example, The Project Team publicly stated at the December 15th Public Forum that the project would under take VE (Value Engineering: a method of removing/reducing scope to reduce the overall project budget) in the next Design Phase: Design Development
What is the MSBA?
MSBA is an independent public authority that administers and funds a program for grants to eligible cities, towns, and regional school districts for school construction and renovation projects. The MSBA’s grant program for school building construction and renovation projects is a non-entitlement competitive program. All projects eligible for funding must comply with MSBA’s process and standards. MSBA Mission: Partner with Massachusetts communities to support the design and construction of educationally appropriate, flexible, sustainable, and cost-effective public-school facilities.
Link to MSBA: https://www.massschoolbuildings.org/
What is an ineligible cost?
Ineligible costs are costs that exceed MSBA Space Guidelines, MSBA cost caps and MSBA’s policies. Refer to the Cost Matrix that outlines the ineligible costs for the new high school and the reason for the ineligibility.
How will the new school be funded?
It is anticipated that funding will be by Debt Exclusion which would require a referendum election, after the Town Meeting vote, where the registered voters would be asked to exempt the amount of the Town’s borrowing from the limits of Proposition 2 and ½.
Description of the Local Process for Authorization and Funding
Wakefield MHS Proposition 2 1/2 Ballot Election Results – Certified Vote
What is a Proposition 2 ½ Debt Exclusion?
Proposition 2 ½ refers to a Massachusetts General Law enacted in 1980 that places strict limits on the amount of property tax revenue a community can raise through real and personal property taxes. A debt exclusion is for the purpose of raising funds for debt service costs and is referred to as a debt exclusion. Debt exclusions require voter approval. The additional amount for the payment of debt service is added to the tax levy limit or levy ceiling for the life of the debt only.
The WMHS Debt Service Comparison file below outlines the initial tax payment (schedule) by assessed home value on page 3.
Calculate the Tax Impact for Your Property
Wakefield MHS Proposition 2 1/2 Ballot Election Results – Certified Vote
What will be my increase in property tax?
The tax calculators provide an average tax impact for years 2029-2046 based on a 4.25% and a 5.5% bond rate. The bond rate will not be confirmed until time of bonding. The tax increase for the school will start in 2024 at a rate of $0.03/$100,000 and ramp up gradually on a yearly basis to the average tax impact starting in 2029 through 2046 and after will ramp down gradually to the final year at a rate of $0.10-$0.12/$100,000.
The WMHS Debt Service Comparison file below outlines the initial tax payment (schedule) by assessed home value on pages 1-2.
Enter assessed value of property below:
4.25% rate in the year 2029
Enter assessed value of property below:
5.5% rate in the year 2029
*Note: Please refer to explanation in Question 18 above for full context
What about Seniors and folks on fixed incomes?
The Town has a program for Seniors that provides opportunities for tax discounts.
Wakefield Senior Tax Discount Program
Link for Seniors: Wakefield Senior Discount Program
What other debt exclusions is the town currently carrying and when do they expire?
The Preferred Schematic Report provides a list of the Town’s current Debt Service and indicates the expiration dates.
Who are the parties involved in the High School Project?
Wakefield Permanent Building Committee/Wakefield School Building Committee (PBC/SBC”)
The Wakefield Permanent Building Committee (“PBC”) oversees all projects for design, construction, reconstruction, renovation, alteration, or enlargement of any building owned by the Town, or undertaken on land owned or leased by the Town of Wakefield.
The PBC has the sole authority to procure engineering and architectural services, award bids for construction, enter into contracts on behalf of the Town with respect to matters within its authority, and administer such contracts in accordance with applicable law.
The Wakefield High School Building Committee (“SBC”) is made up of the Wakefield Permanent Building Committee together with the Wakefield High School Advisory Committee which consists of Town and School employees/officials and members of the Community for the purpose of generally monitoring the MSBA Application process and to advise the Town of Wakefield during the construction of the Project.
Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”)
The Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”) is a quasi-independent government authority created to reform the process of funding capital improvement projects in the Commonwealth’s public schools. The MSBA strives to work with local communities to create affordable, sustainable, and energy efficient schools across Massachusetts.
The MSBA’s grant program for school building construction and renovation projects is a non-entitlement competitive program. The MSBA’s Board of Directors approves grants based on need and urgency as expressed by the City, Town, Regional School District or independent agricultural and technical school and validated by the MSBA.
LeftField – Owners Project Manager (“OPM”)
LeftField is an Owner’s Representative and Project Management firm, established in 2007. We specialize in owners project management services and have significant experience in the public sector, working with municipalities and building authorities. Leftfield’s staff has managed over $1.5 billion in MSBA-funded projects since MSBA’s inception in 2004. As Owners Project Managers, we work in conjunction with the Owner serving as an extension of their staff. Our primary role is to protect the Owner’s interests, to ensure that the Owner is well-served and that the established goals and objectives are met in the most efficient manner, physically and fiscally.
Designer – SMMA
Since 1955, SMMA has forged extraordinary relationships with clients, established an enviable record of success, and designed award-winning environments. From our two locations in Cambridge, Massachusetts and Providence, Rhode Island, we are an employee-owned firm specializing in architecture, engineering, interior design, and site design.
Within each of our areas of practice we seek to lead, inspire, and deliver design excellence. For the last three decades, SMMA has designed/is currently designing 70 K-12 schools. For each school, we create learning environments for the next generation while also making the facilities resources for the communities. Our other markets of expertise include Corporate & Commercial, Federal Government, Higher Education, and Science & Technology. We are thought leaders in the markets we serve, putting processes in place for continuous improvement, knowledge sharing, and project management.
Construction Manager – Bond Construction
Founded in 1907, BOND’s business model is driven by client focus and the firm’s values: integrity, respect, and trust. As a 5th generation company, BOND offers a wide range of services: preconstruction assistance, construction management, general contracting, and civil and utilities services. BOND Building customizes each construction program by working closely with clients to accommodate their culture and daily activities and to proactively minimize disruption and avoid surprises. We produce high-quality construction on time and on budget, creating customer satisfaction and building ongoing client relationships. BOND routinely manages the safe and orderly operation of significant construction projects in the midst of active campuses, and on occupied and constrained sites. Safety is always BOND’s first priority. BOND maintains a low EMR of .79.
What is the Wakefield Memorial High School Project?
In April, 2019, the Town of Wakefield submitted a Statement of Interest to the MSBA for Wakefield Memorial High School. The Statement of Interest was the first step in partnering with the MSBA for a potential new Wakefield Memorial High School. In December 2019 the MSBA invited the Town to enter into the Eligibility Period which required the Town to provide certain documentation necessary meet the MSBA requirements to proceed into the MSBA Core Program and conduct a Feasibility Study. Having fulfilled the requirements, in December 2020 the MSBA Board formally issued an invitation to the Town to conduct a feasibility study.
During the Feasibility Study, the Town and its team will collaborate with the MSBA to document existing conditions, generate an initial space summary based on the School Department’s educational program, establish design parameters, develop and evaluate preliminary and final design alternatives, and recommend the most cost effective and educationally appropriate solution for a new High School.
The Feasibility Study is a requirement under of the MSBA’s multi-step approval process in order to qualify for state funded reimbursement for a potential future building project.
What is the MSBA process?
The MSBA has developed eight distinct modules that are intended to provide a guide to the procedures and approvals needed for the MSBA and the District to work together in a collaborative manner.
The “Program Overview” and listing of eight modules can be viewed here:
Who can I contact if I have any questions?
Email the project team at info@wakefieldmhsproject.com
Would you Consider holding Neighborhood Meetings every (6) months?
Yes, every (6) six months. The Meeting in Scheduled for October 10, 2024. Use the link below to access the event page.